Chiffon cake failure causes and solutions

Chiffon cake failure causes and solutions

Chiffon cake failure-breaking waist-causes and solutions-✧

Chiffon cake failure pattern 3rd-Broken waist-Failure of the third chiffon cake."Broken waist"Bent waist means that the side part of the chiffon cake taken out of the mold is bent.Why does such a "bre...
Chiffon cake failure causes and solutions

Chiffon cake shrinkage / jamming-causes and solutions-✧

Second chiffon cake failure patternShrinkage / CloggedMany chiffon cake failures following the raising of the bottom.Isn't it shrinkage / jamming?As shown in the photo, shrinkage / jamming means that ...
Chiffon cake failure causes and solutions

Raising the bottom of chiffon cake-causes and solutions-✧

Chiffon cake failure pattern 1stRaised bottom (with a dent on the bottom of the chiffon cake)First of all, what is raising the bottom of chiffon cake?Have you ever been baked like this?⇩ The bottom of...
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